Mastering the Art of Color Analysis

Style Tips

Mastering the Art of Color Analysis

Have you ever worn an outfit everyone tells you makes you look fabulous? Not just in how it fits but also in how the color works for you. That’s the magic of color analysis. Believe it or not, certain colors can make you look like you dragged yourself out of bed this morning, and others can make you look vibrant and alive.

So, if you want your clothes to speak volumes and make you feel better about yourself, it’s time to learn about color analysis and how to choose the right color palette for your skin tone, hair, and eyes.

What Is Color Analysis?

A color analysis determines the colors you should wear that complement your natural coloring. Choosing the right colors can make your most beloved features pop and help you feel great about the clothes in your closet. But choosing the wrong colors can drain your energy and mood or make you look washed out. 

Honestly, wouldn’t it be great if someone could tell you to wear a specific color because it looks AMAZING on you, but don’t wear this color; it makes you look drained?

That’s the beauty of the color analysis as you learn whether to wear warm or cool colors.

The Theory Behind Color Analysis

Don’t worry, color analysis isn’t a ‘new trend’ that will die off in a few years, even though it’s been a trending TikTok filter lately! It’s been around since 1942 when Susan Caygill discovered a relationship between a person’s natural coloring and the colors in nature. She also went as far as to say that our natural coloring influences our energy and personality and should influence the colors we wear. 

Color analysis gained a lot of popularity in the 70’s and 80’s and had people searching for their “perfect season.” However, as color analysis has evolved, we are seeing that not everyone fits into one season. We are seeing seasons blend into one another to account for the great range of neutral skin tones, color intensity, and color saturation.

Do Colors Really Affect Your Appearance?

You may be feeling skeptical right now, and I can understand that. How could a color affect how you feel or what people see in you?

If you think about it, though, color analysis is well-known in advertising and marketing. There are tons of studies on which colors convey the feelings companies want and which they should avoid. Why would the clothes you wear be any different?

The colors you choose can invoke certain feelings in those around you. People make subconscious associations about you and your work based on how you present yourself. Choose colors that don’t complement your skin tone, and people could perceive you as drained with a lack of confidence. But choose colors that work with your skin, hair, and eye color, and you’ll brighten your skin and appearance, improving your own mood, and those around you will perceive you as strong and confident.

Listen in: Does black look good on everyone?

Why Care About Color Analysis? What Are the Benefits?

You’re probably thinking you have enough to worry about just finding clothes that fit right, but now you have to worry about color. Here are the benefits you don’t want to ignore:

  • Improve self-esteem: Who doesn’t love better self-esteem? When you feel better about yourself, you are better able to interact with others.
  • Boost mood: Choosing colors that you know make you look good will naturally make you feel good, too. This helps you feel good and exude positive vibes, even if you aren’t feeling it on the inside. 
  • Improve productivity: When you feel good about your appearance, you may naturally be more productive in the workplace or at home. 

Exploring the Color Seasons

The most common color analysis technique is to classify by season. Seasonal color analysis focuses on color tones and contrast to determine which colors look the best on you.

While there are four seasons, this often doesn’t work for everyone because not every person with light hair and light eyes fits into spring. So instead, there is a 12-seasonal color analysis that looks at color tones, contrast, and chroma, or the brightness of a color. A person’s chroma can be bright or soft. 


You typically have a warm undertone if you fall within the spring color palette. You also have low contrast or differences between your hair and eye color. This color scheme works well for people with lighter hair and eyes. 

Variations include bright, warm, or light spring, depending on your chroma.


Summer color palettes are for those with cool undertones and light hair or eye color. People in this color palette have some contrast between hair and eye color, but it isn’t drastic.

Variations include soft, cool, or light summer, depending on your chroma.


If you fall in the autumn color palette, you have warm undertones and darker hair color or eyes. This means there is little contrast between your skin tone and hair or eye color.

Variations include soft, warm, or deep autumn, depending on your chroma.


Winter color palettes have the most contrast, as they have cool undertones and light skin but dark hair or eyes. 

Variations include deep, cool, or bright winter, depending on your chroma.

What to Expect at a Color Analysis Appointment

So, what can you expect at a color analysis appointment? 

Expect a ton of helpful information that will help you wear the right colors for your skin tone and eye color. We start with a picture you’ve taken without makeup and in natural light. You should not be wearing any glasses or contacts, and your eyes should be easily seen in the picture.

During the appointment, we will discover your season and discuss which colors best suit you so you know which to focus on and which to ignore. However, the beauty of my services is that I also help you learn how to wear the colors that may not fall within your season but that you still love.

The best part about a color analysis is that you learn what color clothes to wear and which accessories and makeup colors to pair with your outfits to look and feel your best. 

And having a color palette just makes shopping so much easier! When shopping for clothes, accessories, makeup, or hair dye, bring your color palette along to confidently choose colors that will make you look great.

Learn more: 5 lessons I’ve learned from doing 35 color analysis sessions in 30 days

How Much Does a Color Analysis Cost?

Think of a color analysis as an investment in yourself. You will look and feel better when you wear the colors chosen for you in your personal color analysis. The ROI on this investment is incredible because you’ll see immediate results and be able to implement changes to your style right after your color analysis! The investment to learn which part of the color wheel you should focus on is $197.

How Long Does a Color Analysis Take?

If you properly prepare for the appointment by sending a clear picture in natural coloring, the color analysis takes only one hour! In that time, you’ll learn if you have cool or warm undertones and low or high contrast. 

We’ll play with different colors and fabrics so you can see for yourself how different colors look on you. 

What Should I Wear to My Color Analysis Appointment?

What you wear to your color analysis does not matter! For virtual sessions, your clothes are cropped out of your photo. And for in-person sessions, I provide a neutral drape to cover your clothes. This allows us to play with different colors and see how they reflect on your skin.

Color Analysis Insights: The Apps Get It Wrong

Beyond Basics: Advanced Color Theory

I touched slightly on undertones and contrast levels earlier, but let’s explore them further, as they’re important concepts when deciding which colors suit you best.

Understanding Undertones and Contrast Levels

The undertone is the most important part of the color analysis.

They are:

  • Warm: yellow or peach hues
  • Cool: blue or pink hues
  • Neutral: a mixture of both

Not sure which undertone you have? One way to determine your undertone is to think about how your skin reacts to the sun. If you burn easily, you’re likely a cool undertone. But if you first burn it, but then it turns to tan, you may be neutral, and if you are one of the lucky ones that only turns tan, you likely have warm undertones. This method does not apply to everyone, but it can be a step in the right direction when trying to figure out your undertone!

Contrast refers to your lightest and darkest features. An example of high contrast would be someone with fair skin and dark hair or dark eyes and light eyes. 

To determine your contrast, take a selfie in natural light and use editing features to make it monotone. Now, look at the picture and notice any contrast or areas that draw your eyes to it and away from other features. If everything ‘blends,’ you have low contrast. 

Hear My Take: What I’ve Changed After Embracing My Own Colors

The Role of Color Psychology in Personal Fashion

Did you know the colors you wear could determine how others perceive you? It can also affect your mood, feelings, judgment, and decisions.  For example, red can be perceived as attention-grabbing and embodies both passion and aggression, while blue can be perceived as a sign of peace, calmness, and comfort.


Why does knowing your seasonal color palette matter?

Knowing your seasonal color palette makes choosing clothes easy! No more trying on multiple outfits to feel discouraged or like they don’t suit you. You can expand the colors that you wear. rather than saying “Yellow doesn’t look good on me”, you’ll know exactly what shade and tone of yellow to choose for yourself. When you know your seasonal colors, you can feel confident and happy with your wardrobe choices.

Does hair color affect the color analysis?

Hair color is one of the most important aspects of color analysis. We focus on your natural hair color, which also helps pinpoint your undertones. Dying your hair doesn’t affect your seasonal color analysis because your undertones remain the same. However, dying your hair will impact how you look in the colors of the clothes you wear. This is why I address hair color during hair analysis: if you choose a hair color that is not in your color palette, it’s like wearing a color that’s not in your season all the time!

Does skin tone affect the color analysis?

Yes! Skin tone is one of the main factors in your color analysis. We compare it to your hair and eye color to determine your season. And you can rest easy knowing that if you get a tan, sunburn, or a skin flare-up, your season will not be impacted!

What if I don’t fit into a specific color season?

Everyone has a specific color season that suits their undertones, eye color, and hair color. However, I always help my clients work with all colors, even those that aren’t in their season.

Does my color analysis change as I age?

Here’s the good news! Your season doesn’t change as you age. The colors that work for you today will still work for you in 20 years, so you can build that staple wardrobe and never worry about not being able to wear those colors again. Whether you go gray, white, or salt and pepper, your natural hair color will always be a win according to your season.

What color makes you look the most confident?

Red is the most popular color for exuding confidence. It’s known as a powerful color that increases self-esteem and inspires confidence in others. Most people associate red as a “warm” color, but there are cool and neutral versions of every color. Take a look down the lipstick aisle. Red lipsticks come in all shades. There are some with an orange base and some with a blue base. And those different tones, can bring red and its confidence factor into many color palettes. 

Is It Worth Getting a Color Analysis?

Consider a color analysis if you’re tired of trying on endless outfits only to find out nothing looks good. Imagine finding out that the warm colors you tend to favor are washing you out or that pastel pink, a color you’ve always avoided, would make you look and feel great.

Knowing the colors to build your wardrobe will go a long way. You’ll no longer feel lost or put an outfit on and feel less energy than you had when you dragged yourself out of bed.

Think of working with a color analyst as an investment in yourself; you are worth it! Schedule your color analysis appointment today and start loving your clothes again!

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If you’re not yet ready to invest in a long partnership, but still want to pursue building your own authentic style, then check out my two best-selling masterclasses today. 





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