Ready for a Style Reset this Spring?

Personal Growth

Hello Spring. Time for a style reset.

This month, I’m filled with hope. Spring is a time of renewal, as both your body and spirit take a big stretch to greet more light and absorb this surge in energy. 

On top of that, we’re seeing more of our loved ones get vaccinated, and being able to see more friends and family and be able to do a few more of the things that we’ve missed out on during the pandemic. I’m so excited and relieved to finally see this positive change. The last year has been filled with introspection and re-evaluation for me, and I’m hearing a lot of that from my clients and fellow business owners as well.

So even though we aren’t totally “back to normal”, we’re moving in that direction– and how can you make sure that you hang on to the discoveries, boundaries, and enlightenment you’ve discovered in the last year? How do you make sure this shows on the outside?

I have two collaborative group workshops happening this Spring to help you with just that, and choose what type of time commitment and how “formal” you want it to be, as well as price point.

Also, this isn’t about some quick makeover to make you return to your pre-pandemic body or style. Who knows, you might discover that maybe your style circa early 2020 and before that maybe wasn’t the best thing for you.

Here’s what we WILL discover and discuss during both programs:

  • How your personality translates to your style
  • Why we do (or don’t) feel comfortable expressing ourselves in certain ways
  • Unraveling fears around size, beauty standards, and gender expression
  • The actual meaning of authenticity and how that translates to your style

And what we WON’T:

We will not be talking about weight loss or ways to “cover up” ways your body may have changed during the pandemic. Body changes and transitions are a significant factor in switching up your style or embracing transformation, and we’ll focus on the positive aspects of that – not disguising or downplaying your physical presence.

If you have gained weight: those are your fucking victory pounds. Your body carried you through a pandemic and challenges we haven’t experienced in recent history.

Choose the program that works for you!

10 Day Style Challenge – April 19-28

$25 – Daily exclusive resources, casual live chats, and more!

It’s a mini crash course and challenge, all in one! We’ll be talking about how to highlight your favorite parts of your body, choosing pieces that are authentic to you, and getting inspired to shop for new pieces. 

Where Are You In Your Style – A Virtual Style Workshop – May 13-June 10

$197 – Weekly group coaching, in-depth style assignments, and access to a supportive community

If you’ve been curious about working with a personal stylist but work better in a group setting, or want to learn from others on a similar journey, this is the workshop for you. In five weeks, we’ll get to the root of your style hesitations through guided visualizations, journaling, and group discussions. This workshop will give you that extra nudge you need to be more bold in your style, dress for a new chapter in life, and everything in-between.

Want to learn more before signing up? There’s a blog post for that too – find out what this workshop means to me, and why our shared experiences in the last year finally pushed me to create it!

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If you’re not yet ready to invest in a long partnership, but still want to pursue building your own authentic style, then check out my two best-selling masterclasses today. 





STYLE Translation. 


Guiding Change with