What Does Online Personal Styling Mean in 2020?

Style Tips

If you haven't replaced your personal style and grooming routines with something equally more rewarding, it's a loss of self-care.

Just like every other mom and business owner, I have made a seemingly infinite number of changes this year. We probably don’t need to address the why (because, *gestures at everything*) but this year helped me dig even deeper into how style and self-expression look different, while we continue to practice social distancing and build routines to find comfort in our new normal.

But that begs the question – what does personal styling look like in 2020 and beyond? And how can online personal styling benefit you?

Your Stye = Confidence (Even While Spending Time at Home)

You inevitably dress differently when you’re venturing out into the world versus staying at home. I know I like to look and feel more put-together, or make some kind of statement when I am out meeting clients or working on set. In contrast, being home is all about comfort. 

Aaaand now our routines are flipped – a lot of us are spending more time at home than we ever have before. (That’s a mind-blowing thought.) So being at home means that you should definitely be comfortable.

But what happens when we confuse “comfort” for not taking care of yourself?

That’s when a disconnection begins to form. The way you dress and express yourself contradicts who you actually are, and that starts to weigh on you.

Here’s the cycle I think we’ve all experienced since the start of the pandemic, if you’re balancing working from home, keeping children engaged with virtual learning (or just keeping them alive), and securing grocery delivery slots like a pro.

  • March & April: Pajamas and leggings? All the time?? Yes, this is exactly what I’ve dreamed of. All the business casual and work clothes immediately go to the back of the closet.
  • May Onward: I think I almost miss wearing jeans? I’m going to put on some makeup just for fun…

Living in pajamas and athleisure seems like the ultimate dream at first. But 2020 has had a wide-reaching loss of routines and rituals– including how you put yourself together to join the world each day.

If you haven’t replaced your personal style and grooming routines with something equally or more rewarding, it’s a loss of self-care.

If you’ve felt the loss of normalcy from choosing your clothes each day or picking out that perfect power outfit, that is completely normal. In a year of sacrificing a lot, how do you replace getting that kind of confidence and energy from your clothes, instead of completely discounting the importance of that routine?

The meaning of personal style is changing.

It’s not just about building confidence in how other people perceive you. It’s dressing to build confidence in yourself, and your ability to adapt during the most unpredictable period of our lifetimes. We are all being challenged with new roles, significant shifts in daily life, and having to stay resilient through almost every type of conflict.

Also, let’s be honest, we can use all the self-care we can possibly get right now.

It’s (Almost) All Virtual, Baby – Online Personal Styling in a Pandemic

I have updated my packages and pricing to reflect the in-depth exploration of your style and confidence-building that will help you take on more challenges and just enjoy yourself (and your wardrobe) more. 

What do my services look like now?

  • A series of online personal styling appointments and expert advice guide you through an extended period of time – not just a one-off Zoom call or workshop
  • Aligning your personal style transformation with the type of transition you’re experiencing. Choose between 90 days, 6 months, 9 months, or a full year.
  • Opt to conduct all appointments online (including online shopping), or we can figure out a balance of online versus in-person appointments following all COVID safety protocols
  • Curated virtual closet that you can access any time – includes both clothes that you currently own and suggested new pieces
  • Surprise gifts! I started my journey to becoming a personal stylist by curating style boxes for friends, and I’m bringing that back to bring you a little extra joy.

Check out my updated Services Page to learn more, and figure out which package is right for you.

If you’re here for the content and recommendations, perfect! I have so many fun things coming soon to this blog, and as always, I’m constantly on Instagram.

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If you’re not yet ready to invest in a long partnership, but still want to pursue building your own authentic style, then check out my two best-selling masterclasses today. 





STYLE Translation. 


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