The Reasons You’re Not Wearing the Clothes in Your Closet

Style Tips

The reasons you're not wearing the clothes in your closet.

The Reasons You’re Not Wearing the Clothes in Your Closet

When the seasons change, do you find that you don’t have anything in your closet that you actually want to wear? You’ve started to mentally prepare for the next season, and you’re ready for the temperature change, but your wardrobe doesn’t really reflect that. So, what can you do to make sure that you’re actually wearing the clothes hanging in your closet?

Take a quick look at the pieces in your closet. Are there items in there that haven’t been worn in over a year? (meaning, you didn’t wear them the last time this upcoming season happened) There’s always a good reason why we’re not wearing something that’s in our wardrobe. It’s usually a result of at least one of three different reasons: fit, style, and emotions. 

Sometimes we’re not wearing something in our closet, because the fit is off – too big, too small, incorrect proportions, awkward lengths, etc. In this situation, you can ask yourself, “is it worth getting it tailored” to fix the problem with the fit. If it’s not, you don’t need it in your life.

Are you guilty of buying something, because it “looked good on someone else”? Even if the person you used as style inspiration has the exact same body type and coloring as you did, it doesn’t mean that their style matches yours. It’s possible that you picked up on their confidence that they were exuding, and wanted to match that rather than match outfits. 

Often, you’ll notice a theme when you’re getting rid of pieces from your wardrobe: they’re the same style genre (boho, edgy, classic, etc.), the same friend or family member gifted them to you, you bought them from the same store, etc. Your style should match your personality. It can be in big, obvious ways, or in a subtle way, but you should always show up as you. If you’re not wearing something due to style conflicts, it’s because your subconscious is saying, “this isn’t you.”

Emotions are tricky. The way that they creep into our clothes can be through memories associated with an outfit, and people or words associated with the clothing item. When there are negative emotions connected to clothes, they attach themselves, and don’t leave. You always have that emotion tied to the clothing item, and it will prevent you from wanting to wear it. Here’s what I’m talking about.


  • “I wore this to my ___________’s funeral.”
  • “This is what I was wearing when I met my ex.”
  • “My mom said this reminds her of a couch she used to have.”
  • “My son hates this dress.”

So, how do you end up with a wardrobe filled with only clothes that you love? Go through your closet one section at a time, if you don’t have the time to tackle it all at once. Another way is to make a day of it – put it on your schedule, and get. it. done. This last option is more of an on going approach. When you are getting dressed, and put something on, if you take it off right away, because you don’t like the way it looks, don’t just hang it back in your closet. Set it aside, so that when you have the time, you can add it to your, “it doesn’t have to go home, but it can’t stay here” collection.

For more detailed tips and suggestions for doing your own closet edit, purchase my ebook and watch webinar.  

We can also book a session together, and I can assist you through it!

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If you’re not yet ready to invest in a long partnership, but still want to pursue building your own authentic style, then check out my two best-selling masterclasses today. 





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