find your confidence

recording will be sent to all who register


LOCATION: Live on zoom 

DATE: Wednesday, May 31st

TIME: 7pm ET

Break Free From Body Shame

a susan padron workshop

Stop allowing yourself to hold you back.

What kinds of things are you not pursuing, because of the discomfort you have with yourself and your body?

Think back to all the times you used “when I lose 5 more pounds, then I will” as an excuse to not pursue something you wanted. 

Even if that something is as simple as wearing shorts, or a bathing suit, or going on a date, or stepping up for a promotion. 

The questions you will be encouraged to ask yourself during this workshop will help you to create massive mindset shifts about how you see yourself, and how you treat yourself. 

because of how you feel about your body?

What are you missing out on,

Don't hold back anymore, sign up now

Growth & healing.The exercises we do together will heal parts of you that you didn’t even realize were wounded in the first place, but once you identify them, you’ll really be able to grow. 


Opportunities and practices that will provide you with the experience of realizing what self love can feel like for you.


A taste of self love and confidence that you deserve and desire. I want that for you and I know you’re here because something is telling you the same. 


Guidance through a transformative visualization that will allow you to immediately start seeing yourself differently. 


You'll walk away with

You'll walk away with


 “I love how I’m showing up with confidence and bold authentic self expression, and my style helps me feel that energy and step into it. Susan’s great at what she does and is a kind, fun, intuitive soul who will leave you feeling like a freaking rockstar! She inspired me to tune into who I am and the style that resonates with that and it’s such a beautiful gift to have received.”

All style masterclasses
Sign up & create confidence

The workshop will be held live on May 31st at 7pm. 

Recordings will be sent to anyone who registers but cannot attend live. 

And if you’re reading this after May 31st, don’t worry, because the recording is available for purchase along with my other masterclasses and trainings. You can pop over to that page with the link below. 

Break free from body shame

The workshop details



sign up now

77 symbolizes healing, creativity, and determination

Commit to your healing & growth

The workshop is priced at an incredibly affordable $77, and I chose the number 77 because in numerology, 77 symbolizes healing, creativity, and determination which are all things that I truly believe that this workshop will inspire for you. By investing this $77, it’s you making the formal commitment to your healing and growth by breaking free of what you’ve been holding on to for far too long. 

Hi Gorgeous, Let’s find your hues


You know those ‘find your color’ sessions on TikTok. This is that, but honed in for YOU. Our time together is meant to get you reconnected with yourself through color. Knowing your colors will help with decision paralysis/fatigue when shopping for clothes and makeup.

You know those ‘find your color’ sessions on TikTok. This is that, but honed in for YOU. Our time together is meant to get you reconnected with yourself through color. Knowing your colors will help with decision paralysis/fatigue when shopping for clothes and makeup.

1 hour with me, Susan Padron, a certified color analyst and forever your intuitive personal stylist (virtual or in-person)

Book your session

Investment: $297