When to Hire a Personal Stylist (As a Non-Celebrity)


When to Hire a Personal Stylist (As a non-Celebrity)

“You have to be willing to trust the process and try something new.”

Most people haven’t thought about working with a personal stylist before because they associate the idea with celebrities or fashion industry reality shows. It’s true that a personal stylist is not a necessity. They’re not doctors, mechanics, or other types of professionals that keep our society running. So, how does a normal person know when (and why) they should hire a personal stylist?


Why Hire a Personal Stylist

In short, personal stylists help you align your inner self with your outer expression. It’s more than just personal shopping services.

A stylist helps you curate a closet and a personal style that amplifies your spirit so you can feel strong, confident, and sexy in your skin.

It’s about your mental energy as much as your physical appearance. If you think about it, personal styling has an impact on your entire life.

If you’ve ever canceled plans with your friends because you felt like you had nothing to wear or refused to go on dates because you felt awkward in your clothes, you need to find a personal style that makes you feel like your next-level self.

This is exactly what personal styling services are for, and you don’t need to be a celebrity to have style goals!

When to Hire a Personal Stylist

When clients reach out to me about personal styling services, they typically go through a life transition or feel stuck in a style rut. Let’s dive deeper into these two scenarios.

Life Transition

Life transitions come with significant changes and impact your style. Whether you changed sizes (up or down), accumulated a pile of clothes that no longer fit, or went through a personal shift, these transitions often leave you feeling disconnected from your normal outfits or even your favorite brands.

Here are a few common life transition scenarios:

  • Change in Size: Gaining or losing weight can make your current wardrobe feel awkward and uncomfortable. You need to find new clothes that complement your new shape.
  • Getting Divorced or Becoming Single: You may feel the urge to reinvent yourself and change up your wardrobe as you prepare to start dating again.
  • Changing Jobs or Starting New Positions: 78.6% of well-groomed professionals have better career growth. If you started a new job or have been promoted, you may want to upgrade your work clothes.
  • Coming Out of the Haze of Parenthood: After going through pregnancy, delivery, and raising a newborn or toddler, many parents find that their old clothes no longer fit their lifestyle and body shape.

Hiring a personal stylist is not about simply getting new pieces for your closet. It’s about making sure that what you’re wearing is aligned with your current life circumstances and who you are in this phase of life!

You’re Stuck in a Style Rut

If you’re bored of your clothes and feel like you’re wearing the same outfits over and over again, you may be stuck in a style rut. When you live in a repetitive “clothing loop,” your outfit choices become default settings instead of intentional expressions of your personality.

You may feel that your clothes are comfortable but not an authentic expression of you. For example, maybe you wear black all the time simply because it’s easy, not because it reflects your desired style. Many of my clients feel like getting dressed is a chore rather than an opportunity for self-expression.

What to Expect from a Stylist

When you hire a personal stylist, you can expect a personalized approach and a professional who will look at your wardrobe with fresh eyes.

Your personal stylist will ask you questions, assess your wardrobe, and suggest new additions that align with your desired style. They may use techniques like color analysis to help you find the best combination of colors for you to wear as well as educate you on how to mix and match outfits.

Your stylist may also become your personal shopper, researching brands and finding the necessary clothing for you. In my stylist services, I offer at-home or virtual shopping sections in my 6-month and 12-month packages.

Is Hiring a Personal Stylist the Right Decision for You?

Hiring a personal stylist is not the right decision for everyone. You have to be willing to trust the process and become open to trying something new.

You don’t want to hire a personal stylist who’s going to shop for you the same way you’re going to shop for yourself. The goal is to break away from your usual patterns and explore new style possibilities!

To get different results, you have to do things differently even when they’re scary. Working with a personal stylist is always about stepping out of your comfort zone. If you’re ready to do that, then you’re ready to hire a personal stylist!

Reach Out to Hire a Personal Stylist!

I often think about my clients as caterpillars who are ready for change and growth but hesitant to start this journey alone.

Together, we’ll go through moments that feel messy or uncomfortable as you shed old patterns and styles. In the end, you’ll emerge like a beautiful butterfly with a new sense of self and confidence in your self-expression. If you’re ready to get started, inquire now!


How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Personal Stylist?

The personal stylist cost depends on many factors, such as your stylist’s expertise and package scope. I offer four different personal styling services: color analysis sessions, 30-day intensives, 6-month packages, and 12-month packages. Color analysis sessions cost $297. 30-day intensives cost $997 with an option to split into two payments. 6-month packages come with an investment of $6,000 with a 6-month payment plan available. 12-month packages cost $15,000 and have a 12-month payment plan.

How to Pick a Personal Stylist?

The right stylist will feel like they naturally get you on a personal level. From the initial consultation to your work together, they’ll make you feel deeply cared for and understood. Changing your style is an emotional journey as much as a physical one. It’s normal to feel hesitant, confused, or scared. Your personal stylist will guide you through these feelings as you align your inner self with your outer expression.

How Does Having a Personal Stylist Work?

Working with a personal stylist is a collaborative process. It typically starts with an initial consultation where your stylist gets to know you, your lifestyle, your style goals, and the challenges you’re experiencing with your wardrobe. They’ll help you identify pieces that work well and those that need to be updated or replaced as well as develop a new style that aligns with your self-expression. Depending on the package, your stylist may curate a virtual closet with links and pictures for you or do personal shopping.

How Often Should You See Your Stylist?

Different personal stylists have different packages, so the process varies. For my 30-day packages, I see my clients on two Zoom calls in addition to unlimited Voxer support. For 6-month and 12-month packages, we have multiple calls as well as shopping sessions (virtual or at home). Generally speaking, you should see your stylist when you feel like your wardrobe is not authentically expressing who you are as a person anymore.

Is It Worth It to Hire a Personal Stylist?

If you’re ready to step out of your comfort zone and create a deep style transformation, it’s 100% worth it to hire a personal stylist. That said, working with a stylist is a collaborative process. You need to be willing to trust the process, try new ways of dressing, and do things differently even when they feel scary. With the right attitude, hiring a personal stylist allows you to discover authentic self-expression.


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If you’re ready to create a transformation in your life and align your inner self with your outer expression, learn more about my stylist services or inquire to chat on a consultation call.

You can also get more information and outfit ideas on my socials:

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If you’re not yet ready to invest in a long partnership, but still want to pursue building your own authentic style, then check out my two best-selling masterclasses today. 





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