Fern has always been someone who loves clothes. When she shops, it’s with intention, so when she opens her closet, she’s genuinely excited about what she sees.
However, when it came to creating outfits with those gorgeous clothes, she felt limited and stuck. Outdated style “rules” prevented her from putting together looks that made her feel like herself. She would find herself focusing on what parts of her body she wanted to hide, rather than accentuating what she liked about herself.

Fern and I have worked together several times over the last four years, and using my timeless style framework, we have been able to define and redefine her style, so that no matter how she changes, her style changes with her.

Now, she’s able to look at her closet and see outfits rather than individual pieces. Instead of being focused on the size, she can enjoy how her clothes fit her body.

“The closet of my mind is divided into ‘before’ and ‘after’ Susan. When I shop, I am able to hear her voice in my head saying ‘This is cool’ or ‘Nope’ before I buy anything. I am more tuned into timeless style appropriate for me rather than trends that don’t serve my purpose. We are all a work in progress in all facets of life, and I’m happy and privileged to have Susan with me on this journey.”
in fern’s words
How would it feel to be able to look at your clothes and immediately see outfit possibilities?
Learn more about the various options on how we can work together, or subscribe to my newsletter for regular style tips and insight.