35 Personal Color Analysis Sessions in 30 Days (5 Lessons Learned)


35 Personal Color Analysis Sessions in 30 Days (5 Lessons Learned)

“I’m finally embracing color analysis because now it’s happening the right way, the inclusive way. By the time this episode airs, I will have done 35 color analysis sessions in 30 days.”

People use personal color analysis to determine the best colors for their natural features, such as their skin tone, hair color, and eye color. There are four specific “seasons” or color palettes in color analysis – Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter – although it’s possible to be a blend of two seasons.

Recently, color analysis has been getting more and more popular, particularly on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. I was familiar with color analysis before, but the traditional color analysis system didn’t account for the diversity of skin tones.

Now that we’ve seen a more inclusive approach to color analysis gaining traction on social media, I became interested in it again. I enrolled in a color analysis certification program and started offering it as a service to clients!


The Resurgence of Color Analysis in Social Media and Fashion Trends

Personal color analysis has been taking off! If you are on TikTok or Instagram (or even reading the New York Times!), you’ve seen that color analysis has had a major resurgence.

It was popular in the late 70s and 80s, with everybody wanting to know what their seasonal color palette was, but it has experienced a big revival in the last couple of years on social media. There are now online color analysis quizzes, filters, apps, and, of course, professional color analysts. While online color analysis apps often get it wrong, working with a professional color analyst is a great way to figure out the best colors for your appearance.

The Seasons of Personal Color Analysis

Color analysis traditionally fits people into four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Each season corresponds to a specific set of colors that complement the natural features of the people who fall into that category, making them look more vibrant.

  • Spring colors are warm and bright. People categorized as Spring often have light, warm skin tones, often with peach or golden undertones. Their hair might range from dark blonde to light brown, and their eyes are typically blue, green, or light hazel. The ideal colors for springs include peach, coral, golden yellow, light teal, and warm greens.
  • Summer colors are cool and soft. Summers usually have cool, light to medium skin tones with pink or blue undertones. Their hair is often ash blonde or light brown, and their eyes are usually blue, gray, or soft hazel. This color season includes soft blues, lavender, pastel pink, pastel greens, and cool taupes.
  • Autumn colors are warm and rich. Autumns usually have warm skin tones with golden or olive warm undertones. Their hair ranges from auburn to dark brown, and their eyes are often warm brown, green, or deep hazel. The ideal colors for Autumns include warm colors and earthy colors like rich browns, mustard yellow, olive green, deep teal, and burnt orange.
  • Winter colors are cool and bold. People categorized as Winters usually have cool skin tones with blue or rosy undertones. Their hair is often dark brown to black, and their eyes are typically dark brown, icy blue, or dark hazel. The best colors for Winter people include black, pure white, navy blue, emerald green, and bright red.

The Evolution of Color Analysis

The main difference between modern color analysis and how it was practiced in the 70s and 80s is that it accounts for a diverse range of skin tones and complexions, moving beyond the limited four-season system.

Thirty years ago, seasonal color palettes were limited to spring, summer, autumn, or winter. Now there are variations within the seasons – such as soft Summer, soft Autumn, true Autumn, and more – as well as the recognition that you can be a blend of two different seasons. This nuanced approach allows for a more personalized and accurate assessment and includes people with more complex or mixed undertones.

My Journey from Skepticism to Embracing Personal Color Analysis

As someone who’s been in the fashion industry for years, I was familiar with personal color analysis when it first became popular. However, I didn’t like the strict categorization into the four seasons and felt that it was exclusive.

Yet, as more and more of my clients started reaching out asking if I did color analysis sessions, I became curious about it again and resonated with the fact that modern color analysis recognizes that not everyone fits neatly into four categories. I took a course to become a certified color analyst and started offering it as a service! It quickly took off, and I did 35 personal color analysis sessions in just 30 days!

5 Lessons I Learned from Doing 35 Personal Color Analysis Sessions in 30 Days

Lesson #1: You Can Still Wear Black (But You May Not Want to Anymore!)

Most people like to wear the color black. They become very disappointed when it’s not in their color palette. The truth is, you don’t have to stop wearing the color black, but you will immediately see the difference when comparing black to all of the other colors in your specific season palette.

Once you notice how black interacts and engages with your skin tone – versus the other colors in your palette – you’ll understand that while you can still wear black, there are better options for you out there!

Lesson #2: You’re Probably Already Drawn to the Colors in Your Palette

Even if you’ve never had a color analysis done, you are likely already choosing your seasonal colors in various areas of your life, such as when decorating your house.

During my color analysis sessions, many people had the walls in their houses painted in one of the colors from their color palette or had a major piece of furniture in one of their seasons. It was cool and reaffirming to see!

Lesson #3: You Will Want to Go Through Your Closet After Your Session

Once you have your color analysis session, you won’t be able to wait to go through your closet! Color analysis makes it so much easier to part with the clothes that you don’t like, especially if you’ve been on the fence about it.

Sometimes, you may feel an energetic disconnect with a certain piece of clothing and not know why, but color analysis shows you that you have better options!

Lesson #4: You’ll Be Excited to Go Shopping!

In addition to being excited to go through your closet, you’ll also be excited to go shopping after you finish your color analysis session!

Knowing your seasonal color palette significantly reduces the number of decisions you have to make when shopping because you already know what colors flatter you. Your colors act like an automatic filter that’s personalized for you so you can start shopping differently and more efficiently!

If you don’t know where to start shopping for stylish pieces, check out The Curated Closet, a pre-shopped closet curated and organized to your specific color palette.

Lesson #5: It’ll Be Easier to Choose Your Makeup and Hair Color

When you know your colors, it becomes much easier to do your makeup and choose your hair color. You can use your palette to select nail polish, eyeshadows, and hair colors that flatter your natural complexion!

The Process of Doing Color Analysis Online

If you’ve been thinking of getting your color analysis done, I offer online personal color analysis sessions! The process of working together is straightforward.

First, schedule your session at a convenient time. At least one day before our call, please send me a photo of your beautiful face without makeup, glasses, or colored contacts, taken in natural light with no dark shadows. Make sure your eyes are clearly visible in the photo.

During our call, we will discuss your season, identify your best colors, and explore how to incorporate your favorite colors, even if they’re not in your season! Schedule your color analysis session now!

Why Color Analysis Apps Get It Wrong

With the resurgence of color analysis, there are now many apps and quiz-based solutions for doing your color analysis online. However, they often give you incorrect results. They oversimplify your complexion and undertones, incorrectly detect your true skin tone, hair color, and eye color, and are unable to see you as a real human being. As a personal stylist, I don’t recommend color analysis apps.


What Is Personal Color Analysis?

Personal color analysis helps you determine the colors that best complement your natural features. Traditionally, this method categorized people into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter, each associated with specific color palettes. However, modern color analysis has evolved to include blended seasons, providing a more nuanced and inclusive approach that accommodates a wider range of natural variations.

How to Do a Personal Color Analysis?

The best way to do a personal color analysis is to work with a professional color analyst. During a color analysis session (which can be done online or in person), your analyst will help you determine your season or blended season and provide you with a personalized color palette, along with advice on how to incorporate these colors into your wardrobe, makeup, and accessories.

How Much Does Personal Color Analysis Cost?

Doing a color analysis session with me comes with an investment of $297. Learn more about my services!


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If you’re ready to learn what colors naturally enhance your features, book your online color analysis session with me!

You can also get more information and outfit ideas on my socials:

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